To ensure hassle-free delivery, please provide accurate details of the Consignee/Recipient. Kindly include the recipient’s complete name (as per their Government of India-issued photo identification), address, nearby landmark, pin code, and contact number. Upon delivery, the recipient will be required to present one of the following identity proofs:
Our dedicated courier agents will confirm the recipient’s identity, recording the relevant details for added security. We kindly request the recipient’s cooperation in providing original copies of their identification for verification.
Deliveries can be made exclusively to the Consignee/Recipient’s Residential or Work Location, or they can be collected from the Koyilattu Jewellers Showroom in Mukkam. Please note that deliveries cannot be arranged at public spaces such as malls, hotels, restaurants, hostels, or on the street.
In the event that the recipient is unavailable during the initial delivery attempts, our Courier Company will make up to 3 additional attempts to ensure successful delivery. If we are still unable to reach you, the product will be returned to our Distribution Center.
We take great pride in offering you a secure, efficient, and enjoyable shopping experience at Koyilattu Jewellers. Should you have any further queries or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. Thank you for choosing us for your cherished jewelry needs!